[OpenIndiana-discuss] SOLVED: MATE 1.20 and updated GTK+3 for hipster

Predrag Zečević - Technical Support Analyst predrag.zecevic at 2e-systems.com
Wed Oct 24 12:37:57 UTC 2018

On 10/24/18 13:51, Udo Grabowski (IMK) wrote:
> On 24/10/2018 12:54, Predrag Zečević - Technical Support Analyst wrote:
>> On 10/24/18 12:42, Predrag Zečević - Technical Support Analyst wrote:
>>> On 10/24/18 12:07, Udo Grabowski (IMK) wrote:
>>>> On 24/10/2018 09:09, Predrag Zečević - Technical Support Analyst wrote:
>>>>> On 10/23/18 21:42, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
>>>>>> On 10/23/18 07:38 AM, Predrag Zečević - Technical Support Analyst
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> What I wanted to say is, if desktop relies heavily of ownership
>>>>>>> (???) of
>>>>>>> directory /var/cache/fontconfig, maybe that package has to check it
>>>>>>> (pkg
>>>>>>> verify?)
>>>>>> IPS packages are just data, they can't run commands like pkg verify -
>>>>>> unlike
>>>>>> other package systems, there is no scripting.
>>>>>> The closest that could happen would be adding it to the fc-cache
>>>>>> service -
>>>>>> packages that deliver fonts trigger a refresh of this service to
>>>>>> update the
>>>>>> caches.
>>>>> I still do not understand why this:
>>>>> $ find /var/cache/fontconfig/ -type f | wc -l
>>>>> 32766
>>>>> That is simply too much!
>>>>> $ pkg verify pkg:/system/library/fontconfig
>>>>> [Returns nothing]
>>>>> $ pkg fix pkg:/system/library/fontconfig
>>>>> No updates necessary for this image.
>>>>> That is not too much in size, though:
>>>>> $ du -shc /var/cache/fontconfig/
>>>>> 44M     /var/cache/fontconfig/
>>>>> 44M     total
>>>>> Can someone share his /var/cache/fontconfig/ details (on desktop,
>>>>> using
>>>>> OI /hipster)? Just to compare ...
>>>> Just for reference: A (fontwise) well equipped OI_151a9 has between
>>>> 150 and 200 files with about 9-11 MB contents. The hipster server
>>>> without Mate actively running has 11MB and 175 files. A second
>>>> older hipster server without Mate usage is at 200 files and 5 MB.
>>>> Maybe the high number comes from the fact that it just repeatedly
>>>> renewed the caches ? Does it still fill up to that number if you
>>>> remove all those cachefiles ?
>>> Right now ("beast" grows):
>>> $ find /var/cache/fontconfig/ -type f | wc -l
>>> 119050
>>> $ du -shc /var/cache/fontconfig/
>>> 140M    /var/cache/fontconfig/
>>> I will stop font cache; remove files; fix package (if that is still
>>> valid); start font cache.
>>> expect my comeback, with some details, after some monitoring time
>>> again...
>>> With best regards.
>>> Predrag Zečević
>> $ pfexec svcadm disable svc:/application/font/fc-cache:default
>> $ pfexec rm -rf /var/cache/fontconfig
>> $ pkg fix pkg:/system/library/fontconfig
>> ### This has created missing dir, and while fc-cache is disabled:
>> $ find /var/cache/fontconfig/ -type f | wc -l
>> 571
>> ### 5 minutes later:
>> $ svcs -H svc:/application/font/fc-cache:default
>> disabled       12:44:31 svc:/application/font/fc-cache:default
>> $ find /var/cache/fontconfig/ -type f | wc -l
>> 1525
>> ### ???
>> ### Permissions:
>> $ ls -ald /var/cache/fontconfig
>> drwxr-xr-x 2 root bin 2,4K Oct 24 12:51 /var/cache/fontconfig
>> ### but:
>> $ ls -ald
>> /var/cache/fontconfig/ffe26a2d-c157-e025-f064-ef404833b1af-le32d4.cache-7
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 predrag_zecevic admin 104 Oct 24 12:47
>> /var/cache/fontconfig/ffe26a2d-c157-e025-f064-ef404833b1af-le32d4.cache-7
>> Looks like some process is filling in that directory (not fc-cache)...
>> Is it possible to "watch" directory for updates (to get process filling
>> it in)?
>> With best regards.
> From Brendan Greggs Dtrace Toolkit, here's the fsrw.d script
> (I think the pid should be accessible at (curthread->t_procp).pr_pid ):
> #!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
> /*
>  * fsrw.d - file system read/write event tracing.
>  *          Written using DTrace (Solaris 10 3/05)
>  *
>  * This traces file related activity: system call reads and writes,
>  * vnode logical read and writes (fop), and disk I/O. It can be used
>  * to examine the behaviour of each I/O layer, from the syscall
>  * interface to what the disk is doing. Behaviour such as read-ahead, and
>  * max I/O size breakup can be observed.
>  *
>  * $Id: fsrw.d 3 2007-08-01 10:50:08Z brendan $
>  *
>  * USAGE:       fsrw.d
>  *
>  * FIELDS:
>  *              Event           Traced event (see EVENTS below)
>  *              Device          Device, for disk I/O
>  *              RW              Either Read or Write
>  *              Size            Size of I/O in bytes
>  *              Offset          Offset of I/O in kilobytes
>  *              Path            Path to file on disk
>  *
>  * EVENTS:
>  *              sc-read         System call read
>  *              sc-write        System call write
>  *              fop_read        Logical read
>  *              fop_write       Logical write
>  *              disk_io         Physical disk I/O
>  *              disk_ra         Physical disk I/O, read ahead
>  *
>  * The events are drawn with a level of indentation, which can sometimes
>  * help identify related events.
>  *
>  * SEE ALSO: fspaging.d
>  *
>  * IDEA: Richard McDougall, Solaris Internals 2nd Ed, FS Chapter.
>  *
>  * COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2006 Brendan Gregg.
>  *
>  *
>  *  The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
>  *  Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
>  *  (the "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance
>  *  with the License.
>  *
>  *  You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
>  *  or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
>  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions
>  *  and limitations under the License.
>  *
>  *
>  * ToDo: readv()
>  *
>  * 20-Mar-2006  Brendan Gregg   Created this.
>  * 23-Apr-2006     "      "     Last update.
>  */
> #pragma D option quiet
> #pragma D option switchrate=10hz
> dtrace:::BEGIN
> {
>         printf("%-12s %10s %2s %8s %6s %s\n",
>             "Event", "Device", "RW", "Size", "Offset", "Path");
> }
> syscall::*read:entry,
> syscall::*write*:entry
> {
>         /*
>          * starting with a file descriptior, dig out useful info
>          * from the corresponding file_t and vnode_t.
>          */
>         this->filistp = curthread->t_procp->p_user.u_finfo.fi_list;
>         this->ufentryp = (uf_entry_t *)((uint64_t)this->filistp +
>             (uint64_t)arg0 * (uint64_t)sizeof (uf_entry_t));
>         this->filep = this->ufentryp->uf_file;
>         self->offset = this->filep->f_offset;
>         this->vnodep = this->filep != 0 ? this->filep->f_vnode : 0;
>         self->vpath = this->vnodep ? (this->vnodep->v_path != 0 ?
>             cleanpath(this->vnodep->v_path) : "<unknown>") : "<unknown>";
>         /* only trace activity to regular files and directories, as */
>         self->sc_trace = this->vnodep ? this->vnodep->v_type == VREG ||
>             this->vnodep->v_type == VDIR ? 1 : 0 : 0;
> }
> syscall::*read:entry
> /self->sc_trace/
> {
>         printf("sc-%-9s %10s %2s %8d %6d %s\n", probefunc, ".", "R",
>             (int)arg2, self->offset / 1024, self->vpath);
> }
> syscall::*write*:entry
> /self->sc_trace/
> {
>         printf("sc-%-9s %10s %2s %8d %6d %s\n", probefunc, ".", "W",
>             (int)arg2, self->offset / 1024, self->vpath);
> }
> syscall::*read:return,
> syscall::*write*:return
> {
>         self->vpath = 0;
>         self->offset = 0;
>         self->sc_trace = 0;
> }
> fbt::fop_read:entry,
> fbt::fop_write:entry
> /self->sc_trace && args[0]->v_path/
> {
>         printf("  %-10s %10s %2s %8d %6d %s\n", probefunc, ".",
>             probefunc == "fop_read" ? "R" : "W", args[1]->uio_resid,
>             args[1]->_uio_offset._f / 1024, cleanpath(args[0]->v_path));
> }
> fbt:ufs:ufs_getpage_ra:entry
> {
>         /* fetch the real offset (file_t is unaware of this) */
>         self->ra_offset = ((inode_t *)args[0]->v_data)->i_nextrio;
>         self->read_ahead = 1;
> }
> fbt:ufs:ufs_getpage_ra:return
> {
>         self->read_ahead = 0;
>         self->ra_offset = 0;
> }
> io::bdev_strategy:start
> {
>         this->offset = self->read_ahead ? self->ra_offset :
> args[2]->fi_offset;
>         printf("    %-8s %10s %2s %8d %6d %s\n",
>             self->read_ahead ? "disk_ra" : "disk_io",
> args[1]->dev_statname,
>             args[0]->b_flags & B_READ ? "R" : "W", args[0]->b_bcount,
>             this->offset / 1024, args[2]->fi_pathname);
>         /*
>          * it would seem to make sense to only trace disk events during
>          * an fop event, easily coded with a self->fop_trace flag. However
>          * writes are asynchronous to the fop_write calls (they are flushed
>          * at some later time), and so this approach will miss tracing
>          * most of the disk writes.
>          */
> }

I was running it for 10 minutes:
$ /opt/DTT/Bin/fsrw.d |& tee /tmp/fsrw.out

And here, only small part:

$ grep fontconfig /tmp/fsrw.out | head -20
sc-read               .  R      144      0
  fop_read            .  R      144      0
sc-read               .  R      224      0
  fop_read            .  R      224      0
sc-write              .  W        5      0
  fop_write           .  W        5      0
sc-write              .  W      104      0
  fop_write           .  W      104      0
sc-write              .  W        5      0
  fop_write           .  W        5      0
sc-write              .  W      112      0
  fop_write           .  W      112      0
sc-write              .  W        5      0
  fop_write           .  W        5      0
sc-write              .  W      104      0
  fop_write           .  W      104      0
sc-write              .  W        5      0
  fop_write           .  W        5      0
sc-write              .  W      112      0
  fop_write           .  W      112      0

Cache is constantly rebuilt (do not have so much fonts installed, looks
like something misses cache, and creates now one), but not sure which
process does it...

Right now:
$ find /var/cache/fontconfig/ -type f | wc -l
$ du -shc /var/cache/fontconfig/
53M     /var/cache/fontconfig/

Thanks anyway.
With best regards.
Predrag Zečević
Predrag Zečević
Technical Support Analyst
2e Systems GmbH

tel: +49 - 6196 - 95058 - 15
mob: +49 - 174 - 3109288
fax: +49 - 6196 - 95058 - 94
e-mail: predrag.zecevic at 2e-systems.com

headquarter: 2e Systems GmbH, Koenigsteiner Str. 87, 65812 Bad Soden am
Taunus, Germany
registration: Amtsgericht Koenigstein (Germany), HRB 7303
managing director: Phil Douglas

http://www.2e-systems.com/ - Making your business fly!

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