[OpenIndiana-discuss] Might have jumped too soon with damaged rpool

James list at xdrv.co.uk
Wed Dec 18 12:05:11 UTC 2019

On 18/12/2019 10:47, Till Wegmüller wrote:

> 1. Buy or Organize a new Disk with the same RPM and the same or Bigger
> Capacity. If your current disk is not sold anymore then just focus on a
> brand you trust with the same RPM and bigger Capacity. If the new disk
> is bigger than c5d1 then any excess will simply not be addressable by
> ZFS. Which is not be an issue if it is just a couple of GB. If you wish
> to have two new disks as you final configuration then just grab any two
> disks you like or even SSD's. The main assumption is of course that any
> disk you pick fits your physical Plugs.

I thought the sector size should match else it causes a performance problem.

Harry, test with:
$ zdb -C | grep ashift

and expect either 512 or 4096; new HDDs are typically 4096.  Check 
before we worry what to do about it.

> 8. Issue "zpool set autoexpand=on rpool"

9. After expansion issue "zpool set autoexpand=off rpool" and restore 
the default value for the future.

10. Make bootable:
# installgrub /boot/grub/stage1 /boot/grub/stage2 /dev/rdsk/$NEWDEVICE

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