[OpenIndiana-discuss] No GUI after upgrade yesterday

Till Wegmüller toasterson at gmail.com
Mon Mar 4 09:17:46 UTC 2019

Hi Gary

On 04.03.19 03:05, Gary Mills wrote:
> Yes, that's my problem now.  I know I can make the partition bootable,
> but I'd prefer to chain-load it somehow.  It used to work with GRUB.

You are in fact the first person to ask this on the ML AFAIK.

While I don't have a setup that works I also don't want to leave you
researching everything from point 0.

We switched to FreeBSD loader since the last time you upgraded. We
follow Upstream quite tightly so anything that works on freebsd should
work with OI.

It seems that Freebsd loader can boot Windows but you will need to
checkout what Configuration you can and need to set. You can find a list
of all the configuration options under /boot/loader.help

Alternatively you could testout UEFI setup. You should have an UEFI boot
partition If you installed Windows First on the Device. Under boot we
now have two efi binaries under /boot. "/boot/loader32.efi" and
"/boot/loader64.efi" depending on how castrated your UEFI Motherboard
setup screen is you should be able to just copy the one apropriate to
your architecture to the EFI Partition and boot it from the BIOS Boot menu.

AFAIK It is still quite Beta (meaning tsoome is working on it and I
haven't gotten the chance to test it) but it should work If I
interpreted his heads up mail on the ML correctly.

Hope this helps you a bitt getting Dual-Boot Working.
We are curious to see how you manage it as It is something I definetly
would like to document.


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