[OpenIndiana-discuss] OI foer Sparc?

rmd rmd at orbit.in-berlin.de
Tue Nov 12 15:39:14 UTC 2019

just read the following post. Is there a OI install path for sparc systems and
if, where can it be found?
I mean, sparc was in the open source release of solaris in the beginning, 
where is it right now?

> On Nov 12, 2019, at 3:06 AM, Gary Mills <gary_mills at fastmail.fm> wrote:
> Once you have installed and booted the OI SPARC disk, you will see that:
>    $ pkg publisher
>    PUBLISHER                   TYPE     STATUS P LOCATION
>    oi-userland                 origin   online F file:///data/userland/repo/
> Initially, there's nothing at that location.  You can change it, of
> course, but if you want to leave it alone, start by creating a directory
> or filesystem and directory at /data/userland .
> The repository unpacks into another directory called repo .  You can
> unpack it directly into /data/userland, like this:
>    # gzcat .../OI_2018_repository.tar.gz | gtar xof -
> If you run this command as root, the repository files will all be
> owned by root:root .  You can always change the ownership with
>    # chmod -R <user>:<group> repo
> if you need to.  You can also unpack it someplace else and put a symlink
> called repo in the /data/userland directory.
> The repository contains all the installed package plus hundreds more.
> Try some pkg commands just to make sure it's working correctly.  You
> may need to do:
>    # pkg refresh
> before it responds.
> Here are some packages to install to create a development system:
>    developer/gcc-6
>    developer/as
>    developer/build/onbld
>    system/header
>    system/header/header-audio
>    system/library/mozilla-nss/header-nss
>    developer/build/autoconf
>    developer/build/autoconf-archive
>    developer/build/automake
>    developer/build/cmake
>    developer/build/help2man
>    developer/build/libtool
>    developer/build/pkg-config
>    developer/lexer/flex
>    developer/library/xprofile
>    developer/parser/bison
>    developer/versioning/git
> You will need these to get lint:
>    developer/sunstudio12u1/cc
>    developer/sunstudio12u1/backend
> You will also need an editor.  vi and ex are already installed.
> To get emacs, install this package:
>    editor/gnu-emacs/gnu-emacs-no-x11
> Note that there's no java in this repository.  I was unable to build
> it because it required graphic libraries and headers.  Most likely I
> used an overly-restrictive definition of graphics on a text-only
> system: I'll have another try at building it.
> In the meantime, you can download these archives from java.net:
>    jdk-7u79-solaris-sparc.tar.gz
>    jdk-7u79-solaris-sparcv9.tar.gz
> I recommend you install them in /opt/jdk1.7.0_79, and create these
> symlinks to get java:
>    /usr/java -> /opt/jdk1.7.0_79
>    /usr/bin/java -> ../java/bin/java
> In /usr/jdk create these directories:
>    instances
>    packages
> and these symlinks:
>    jdk1.7.0_79 -> instances/jdk1.7.0
>    latest -> jdk1.7.0_79
> Finally, in /usr/jdk/instances create this symlink:
>    jdk1.7.0 -> /opt/jdk1.7.0_79
> Please let me know how this all goes, and what packages might be
> missing.
> -- 
> -Gary Mills-		-refurb-		-Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada-
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