[OpenIndiana-discuss] Printing from Firefox does not work

John D Groenveld groenveld at acm.org
Thu Oct 15 14:35:37 UTC 2020

In message <20201015140917.GA18295 at imap.fastmail.com>, Gary Mills writes:
>    library/desktop/gtk2/gtk-backend-cups
>    library/desktop/gtk3/gtk-backend-cups
>were not installed.  These packages deliver libprintbackend-cups.so .
>Once I installed these two packages, the firefox print dialogue showed
>my CUPS print queue.
>I expect that other people will encounter this same problem.  To
>prevent that, these two packages should be installed with GTK or CUPS,
>probably with CUPS.

root at openindiana:~# pkg search -l depend::library/desktop/gtk3/gtk-backend-cups
INDEX       ACTION VALUE                                                    PACKAGE
incorporate depend library/desktop/gtk3/gtk-backend-cups at 3.24.23-2020.0.1.0 pkg:/consolidation/userland/userland-incorporation at 0.5.11-2020.0.1.13521
require     depend library/desktop/gtk3/gtk-backend-cups                    pkg:/mate_install at 0.1-2020.0.1.42

I installed my test Hipster VM via the text ISO and then installed
mate_install to get the GUI.
Does the GUI ISO installer not include mate_install?

groenveld at acm.org

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