[OpenIndiana-discuss] The kiss of death

Reginald Beardsley pulaskite at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 22 01:03:28 UTC 2021


I've been referring to this as 2021.04_rc1 for 2 weeks. We need to formalize what most others do and have a release candidate process where people test the images before a formal release. 

Expecting the people building them to do it is simply not reasonable. They are already quite busy and cannot possibly support the number of hardware platforms needed even if they could afford it. It's simply too much work.

I maintain, and will continue to maintain, systems whose sole purpose is testing such things.

     On Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 06:40:15 PM CDT, John D Groenveld <groenveld at acm.org> wrote:  
 In message <CAHYQbfB5M8Oxv=fNjG7cCGOZ4+hBt3AswGeNyYM9LtgNtKQ+qg at mail.gmail.com>
, Jacob Ritorto writes:
>and I do have one shitty pc (HP Z400) I can add to the fray.  Please let me
>know how I can be useful.

Can you install from the latest installation media on that PC?

groenveld at acm.org

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