[OpenIndiana-discuss] Mailing list etiquette reminder (was: OpenIndiana as a server.)

Tony Brian Albers tba at kb.dk
Mon Feb 1 14:32:40 UTC 2021

On 01/31/21 05:53 PM, Gary Mills wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 30, 2021 at 11:48:35PM -0600, Judah Richardson wrote:
>> Just a small question: are we being attacked by chatbots?
>> There seems to be a spate of users recently posting rapid fire questions
>> and topics combined with relatively few statements and English that leaves
>> a few things to be desired.
> We also should welcome new people, not drive them away.  People learn
> by making mistakes.  That's quite normal and usual.  In fact, we need
> new people.  If somebody asks a question, refer them to a place where
> they can find the answer.  Please be tolerant.


Of course nobody should accept rude behaviour, but as the old FreeBSD 
CoC used to say:
"Try not to take offense where no offense was intended. Not everyone 
speaks or writes English fluently. Not everyone can express themselves 
clearly. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Even if the intent was to 
provoke, do not rise to it."

And one more thing: Some people are more impulsive than other, some 
can't even help it. So 3 emails with three different subjects in one 
hour might not be because the writer is trying to be annoying. Maybe 
they just need to get it out before they forget it, and maybe having a 
subject per thread is the only way that works for them.

I do agree with Reginald's email in general, but phrases like:
"If I see 3-4 posts by one person in the course of 2-3 minutes, I simply 
delete them without reading any of them.  I am not the only one who does 
this.  So instead of getting an authoritative answer, you will get 
responses from people who don't actually know what they are talking about."

Makes me think about what the required time-between-posts might be. I 
don't know. I've probably not lived up to it.
And I also start thinking about how it helps OpenIndiana in general when 
only "people who don't actually know what they are talking about." reply 
to newcomer's questions.

In my opinion attitudes like these don't strengthen a community, it 
kills it. But that's probably just me.

My apologies if this email is a bit of a mess, I only have a high school 
degree, I have a neurological disorder, and english is not my primary 


Tony Albers - Systems Architect - IT Development Royal Danish Library, 
Victor Albecks Vej 1, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Tel: +45 2566 2383 - CVR/SE: 2898 8842 - EAN: 5798000792142

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