[OpenIndiana-discuss] OpenIndiana as a server.

Jason Long hack3rcon at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 2 15:00:48 UTC 2021

Thank you.
Can IPFilter provide all features of nftables on Linux?
What is the number of Openindiana users?
If users time about developing OI is limited, then OI doesn't exist in the future!

On Monday, February 1, 2021, 01:20:59 PM GMT+3:30, James <list at xdrv.uk> wrote: 

On 31/01/2021 14:23, Jason Long via openindiana-discuss wrote:

> I saw "https://wiki.openindiana.org/oi/4.3+Firewall" and "https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E37838_01/html/E60993/pftask-conf.html

Openindiana is not Oracle Solaris 11.4.  I recommend you read the 
history of Unix, in particular the recent part about OpenSolaris and the 
fork from Oracle Solaris.  There are many similarities between OI and 
Oracle but this is not one of them.

Oracle Solaris prior to 11.4, Openindiana and OmniOS have ipfilter. 
Oracle Solaris 11.3+ has Packet Filter.

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