[OpenIndiana-discuss] Shell to use?

Hung Nguyen Gia gh_origin at zohomail.com
Tue Jan 19 04:27:04 UTC 2021

OI included many shells. So far I only stick with the default, bash.

But the performance is very bad. e.g: when using pkgsrc to build packages.

As I have said on this list: pkgsrc bootstrap on OI is 4x slower than on FreeBSD. Building packages also that slower.

I think the problem is of the shell. Because I see it checking for something very slowly.

The output printed on the screen 'Checking for...' is line by line, very slow. Meanwhile, the same thing on FreeBSD is blazing fast that I can't even see what's going on at all.

I'm thinking about using other shell than bash.

But I can't test with each shell. They are too many.

>From your own experience, which shell is the fastest?

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