[OpenIndiana-discuss] distribution constructor for making OI spins?

Chris oidev at bsdos.info
Wed Jan 20 06:55:13 UTC 2021

Well I was finally able to get OI on one of my spares.
I wanted to do so, so that I could start adding/upgrading
some OI packages. As I began looking at the process I
stumbled on distribution-constructor and thought; why
not build up some additional desktop installs. I had
intended to build both the Xfce4 and Cinnamon desktop
packages anyway. So why not ask to see if the any
OI users/developers/caretakers would be interested in
providing xfce4 or cinnamon desktop ISO and USB images.
Would something like this be of any interest?
If so. I'll start building all the necessary bits straight

Thanks for your feedback.


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