[OpenIndiana-discuss] Shell to use?

david allan finch david.allan at finch.org
Wed Jan 20 11:41:48 UTC 2021

On 01/19/21 06:50 PM, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
> I have always noticed that Solaris (and OpenIndiana) is slower to fork 
> processes than Linux or FreeBSD.  It seems slower to enlarge the 
> process address space as well (perhaps because it does not lie).

This is because Linux lies to an app about new page allocation, until 
you attually write to a page it doesn't attually exist at all, Solaris 
(at least used to) allocates a page and cleans it (or make it sparse). 
This means it is possible on Linux to look like you have lots a memory 
and then suddenly runout. Solaris also use a copy on write system at 
forking (which I think Linux copied), that is why they are so much 
faster than Windows, which attually has to start a new process and copy 
the whole address space todo a fork, which is why it just easier to just 
start a new process rather than fork/exec on windows.

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