[OpenIndiana-discuss] Shell to use?

david allan finch david.allan at finch.org
Wed Jan 20 13:42:03 UTC 2021

On 01/20/21 12:50 PM, Michael Schuster wrote:
> what you're describing is memory overcommit, which Solaris never did (at
> least not while I was at Sun).

Good. BTW HP or IBM Unix was the first one I saw do this and they even 
had special signals, to tell you. Sorry you app had to die as we lied 
about how much memory you could have. It was v annoying.

> If memory serves, pages weren't cleaned at reservation (ie when "malloc"
> was called), but only when actually accessed ("zfod" - zero fill on
> demand). Memory*did*  have to be accounted for ("reserved" as the name
> says), so you'd know at malloc-time if you were out of memory, and not when
> someone tried to access it later.

Thanks for the clarifications.

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