[OpenIndiana-discuss] NEW • OS Release: OpenIndiana 2021.04

Jason Martin agrellum at gmail.com
Tue May 4 19:10:46 UTC 2021

This machine:


Really nice to see proprietary device driver unloaded and still look 
crisp and bright.

Mouse does not work in GUI and I get to fast on keyboard.

Let it do its thing anyway.

Two hours later 10:52 AM to 1:20 PM reboot.

Ah man, I skipped passwords and users step.

I could fix but just slow down and re-install.

Do over : 1:30 PM to 2:59 PM.

A little faster, must be that drive format stuff was easier this time.


Will have to work on that mouse thing.

I know building oi-userland will be like paddling a canoe to Neptune.

A really nice job, folks.

Wished you had more help.

I think I will bring the one out of the closet and transfer 200GB worth 
of 15 year old data to it.

The one duck taped together, cmos battery dead and main battery dead 
with openindiana installed.

The only OS,  I trusted to keep the data over time.

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