[OpenIndiana-discuss] Which font package for the Cherokee language?

Richard L. Hamilton rlhamil at smart.net
Thu May 13 21:33:20 UTC 2021

Something like the following will display an uninstalled font, and offer an install button. It appears to install for that user only, at least if run as a mere mortal. I don't know if it has any ability to install system-wide, the man page has very little info.

rlhamil at openindiana:~$ mate-font-viewer NotoSansCherokee-Regular.ttf

With no font file on the command line, mate-font-viewer seems to display (all, or searched-for) installed fonts.

> On May 13, 2021, at 17:03, Jason Martin <agrellum at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you.
> On 5/13/21 5:00 PM, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
>> I don't know any magic "pkg" command that would answer that, but there are free (and not free) Cherokee fonts out there, you just have to figure out how to install them. Presumably with the usual X11 stuff (put it in the right directory and then run mkfontscale . and mkfontdir . in that directory) plus the fontconfig stuff for client side font use, plus maybe something else for GNOME. There might even be a font installer tool, such things have existed in the past or in other OS distributions.
>> Code 2000 includes practically everything, including that. Google's Noto Sans Cherokee should also be free. More links on the page below, not all are free. I have no idea which are best, either visually or in terms of correct Unicode assignment and completeness.
>> https://language.cherokee.org/fonts-and-keyboards/cherokee-fonts/ <https://language.cherokee.org/fonts-and-keyboards/cherokee-fonts/>
>>> On May 13, 2021, at 16:30, Jason Martin <agrellum at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I see how to change the keyboard.
>>> Just unsure which font package to use.
>>> Gnome Character Map seems to have no choice.
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