[OpenIndiana-discuss] wiki.openindiana.org needs to be re/started and fixed

Andreas Wacknitz A.Wacknitz at gmx.de
Wed Nov 3 06:00:38 UTC 2021

Am 03.11.21 um 04:58 schrieb Nikola M.:
> On 10/18/21 23:11, James Madgwick wrote:
>> Indeed, the contents of the Wiki have also been backed up to GitHub.
>> However the repo it is in has not been made public because the Wiki
>> also contained other information which is sensitive and can't be public.
> Wiki raw data can be used for Wiki service to restart and by the Wiki
> service itself then.
> Wiki raw data stays on Wiki side as always,
> and when Wiki is restarted and on the new hosting, everything that is
> supposed made public is served as for years before, including having
> an integrated discussion space for articles.
> Everything everyone ever published on Wiki is there to be publicly
> available by their authors and there is not much sensitive on it,
> except maybe connection between mail addresses , usernames and wiki
> account passwords and that Wiki manages itself internally.
>> I've now removed the images
>> (~70MB) and put it here:
>> https://gist.github.com/JMadgwick/8a488ca4430aa0f50b7d5c5e31f60361/raw/390ff69310bf3756086ff90dfa156a6ce2fcab89/oi%2520Confluence-space-export.tar.xz
> Maybe that article archive can be useful and include images, too, is
> size constrain is a problem,
> it can be hosted outside of Github with images.
>>> Andreas Wacknitz helped James Madgewick in the past to do an export.
>>> So James Madgewick has an export of the wiki and is working on
>>> further migrating the contents to oi-docs.
> Everything about Wiki and it's freedom to be easy to contribute,
> publish and discuss, (Without the need to jhave every single change,
> or talk, being "approved" from someone else over GIT).
> Wiki is self-hosted and is independent from external resources
> availability as opposed to external service as Github.
> Wiki functionality is not be replaced and it is not the solution
> avoiding the issue of restarting working wiki.
> Issue is that Wiki needs to be restarted as a service and not keeping
> it closed under various pretenses.
> Wikis themselves do not have security problems when put up on new
> infrastructure with new and supported software,
> so security problems are not a real issue when maintained, as is not
> the lack of manpower for maintaining Wiki infrastructure.
> Wikis do not need "appointed censor" to decide only by itself without
> any discussion or process what is to stay on Wiki and what is not, but
> it is there by merit, usefulness and collaboration.
> With wiki, every article author is included in changes and re-engaged.
> Wiki is very important tool for new users to start contributing, it is
> form of free space that, on one place promotes the project name.
> Wikis serve as a proof of the project openness for new people, closing
> them down serves only to closing down communities.
> Closing community spaces and turning them in tightly-controlled and
> appointed ones, without actual wider community influx , leads to OI
> brand name bad reputation in a wider sense,
> for proprietary handling things on closed source mailing lists, not
> available to the public and available only to selected people.
You omitted a central point: We need people to care for things. Telling
people what should be done doesn't solve problems.

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