[OpenIndiana-discuss] Heads up: SSH has been updated to 8.9p1

Gary Mills gary_mills at fastmail.fm
Sun Apr 10 23:58:29 UTC 2022

On Sun, Apr 10, 2022 at 09:15:00PM +0200, Andreas Wacknitz wrote:
> Am 10.04.22 um 20:53 schrieb Gary Mills:
> > Isn't there something in the P5M file that says that the
> > svc:/network/ssh:default service needs to be restarted after the
> > update?
> > 
> No, not yet. Feel free to add something.

I'll leave that change to somebody that actually uses ssh.  I don't.

I see plenty of examples.  Some of them add an attribute to a file,
like these:

database/couchdb-31/couchdb-service.p5m:file files/couchdb-31.xml path=lib/svc/manifest/application/couchdb-31.xml restart_fmri=svc:/system/manifest-import:default
database/pgadmin/pgadmin.p5m:file files/pgadmin3.desktop path=usr/share/applications/pgadmin3.desktop restart_fmri=svc:/application/desktop-cache/desktop-mime-cache:default

I suppose that if the P5M file updates the XML file, it must also
import it, and if the P5M file updates a cached file, it must also
re-cache it.

Some of them use a transform, which you might do if you needed to
add the attribute to multiple files.  Here are several examples,
including one that seems to have a typo:

desktop/compiz/compiz.p5m:<transform file path=etc/gconf/.* ->  default restart_fmri svc:/application/desktop-cache/gconf-cache:default>
desktop/compiz/compiz.p5m:<transform file path=usr/share/applications/.* ->  default restart_fmri svc:/application/desktop-cache/desktop-mime-cache:default>
virtualbox/virtualbox.p5m:<transform file path=platform/i86pc/kernel/drv/.+ -> default restart_fmri svc:/application/virtualbox/run-once:defaul>

-Gary Mills-		-refurb-		-Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada-

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