[OpenIndiana-discuss] OI Hipster becomes unreachable over network after a certain length of uptime

stes@PANDORA.BE stes at telenet.be
Thu Apr 14 17:26:57 UTC 2022

----- Op 13 apr 2022 om 22:19 schreef Udo Grabowski (IMK) udo.grabowski at kit.edu:

> The facts are that server environments can be really involved (and
> even Desktops), and NWAM isn't fit for such complications.

 The installer (logged in /var/sadm/system/log/install_log) has 3 options:

 1) Automatic (enable NWAM)
 2) Manual (static ip without NWAM)
 3) None (configure it-yourself without NWAM)

 In option 1 and option 3   I just tried

  # pkg uninstall -v routing

 That works for me, it uninstalls "Network Routing Daemons and Commands" in.routed , rtquery and the SMF files for the routing/* directory and creates a server that runs either physical:default in option 3 or physical:nwam in option 1, and has uninstalled 'routing' so it does not run in.routed.

 Also it is then irrelevant whether /etc/defaultrouter is present since routing is uninstalled 'routeadm' continues to show route:default is disabled of course.
 Basically you have to make sure to "disable unnecessary daemons" (server hardening).

 As it has always been the case for routed and IPS packaging could provide an interesting way here by uninstalling the IPS routing package.

 Note that http://docs.openindiana.org/handbook/systems-administration/#configuring-networking
 documents using "nano" (?) to setup /etc/defaultrouter  but it does not document 'pkg uninstall -v routing'.

 In any case the docs.openindiana.org documentation gives interesting info about this issue.

 Maybe if the use of an old 'legacy' file like /etc/defaultrouter is not encouraged, then the docs.openindiana.org should not document the /etc/defaultrouter setup.

David Stes

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