[OpenIndiana-discuss] Take me to your leader...

Andrew Robinson arobinson18 at cox.net
Tue Jun 7 00:41:17 UTC 2022


On 6/6/2022 at 3:06 PM, Judah Richardson <judahrichardson at gmail.com> wrote:
>I believe I've used machines from as far back as 2008 that support the

Just not all computers do it.

>I assume you've already checked for the latest BIOS update and looked
>through its boot options?

Yes, but that doesn't mean I didn't miss something. I can do that but if what
the other person on this group says is true -- that OpenIndiana doesn't
support CD/DVD drives and therefore can't boot from one (and I've had
computers from as far back as 1998 that support the feature), it's not going
to be the OS for me.

My only real complaint through all this is that I should have received some
error message of some kind so I could know why it wouldn't boot. The only
thing I saw was a flash of text at the beginning of the boot that said
something like "ttya-d not available".


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