[OpenIndiana-discuss] Missing the boat on using dedupe

hput hputn3 at zohomail.com
Thu Jun 9 12:11:04 UTC 2022

First I made a mess of trying to merge three slightly different
versions of a trove of images.  A zfs fs directories full of images and
file structures on 2 different zfs-linux hosts; plus 1 Image trove on
a windows 10 host.

I'm sorry what follows is a bit hard to follow.  

when rsyncing one of zfs-linux hosts' Images directory into A very similar Images
directory on a different zfs-linux host.

Then rsyncing a similar Images directory on windows 10 into the result
of the first merging.

When I add the windows directory into the mess, it seems to have
doubled or nearly so the size of the 3 way merged Images directory.

I didn't use any trick flags with rsync in any of the cases; Just:

  rsync -vvrptgoD --stats $linux_zfs_HOST1_Images/ \

In that merge there wasn't much difference in final size.

By the way; both linux-zfs hosts use compression=lz4

  Result of first merge:
  284G  2.35T      284G

  And finally:
  rsync -vvrptgoD --stats $Win_10_HOST_Images/ \

  In that final merge from windows 10 HOST to zfs-linuxHOST2; the size
  has doubled .
    569G  2.57T      569G

Ok, so I thought I'd experiment with dedup on an OI vbox-vm.  And ship
the enlarged pool onto a deduppified zpool and zfs fs.

On OI;
I created a pool of one virtual disk and set:

 zfs set dedup=on tdd  (tdd name from: test dedup)

Then created: zfs create -omountpoint=/Images tdd/Images

   zfs set dedup=on tdd/Images

By creating a `dedup-afied' pool and zfs fs I was trying to use zfs
dedup to fix my mess and remove duplicates.

Final move was to; (on 2nd linux-zfs-HOST2)

  I ran

  zfs send -v p2/Images@$SNAP |pv|ssh oi zfs recv -v -F tdd/Images

(again a bit simplified)

I expected to see something like a halving of the size when the
zfs send completed.

Starting size on zfs-linux-HOST2

            USED  AVAIL     REFER  
p2/Images   569G  2.57T      569G  /Images

(simplified above)

Result on depupped pool and zfs fs on OI (newly updated)

NAME                                USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
tdd/Images                          568G   382G   568G  /Images

So, the result is very disappointing.

I guess I'm really missing the boat about how dedup is supposed to

First, thanks for slogging thru my poor writing this far.

Can anyone explain where I'm going wrong?

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