[OpenIndiana-discuss] Cups problems

Udo Grabowski (IMK) udo.grabowski at kit.edu
Tue May 16 16:37:19 UTC 2023

I've found a few problems with cups

1) it wants system/volatile/cups, but /system/volatile doesn't exist.
    Works if created manually and restart cups/in-lpd and /scheduler.
    Either system/volatile should be created somehow after boot before
    cups starts, or cups should be patched to put that into /var/run/cups;

2) ... it wants /var/run/cups/, but that doesn't exist. Should be created
    when it installs.

3) It complains about a missing ColorManager:
    "The name org.freedesktop.ColorManager was not provided by any .service
    files" which relates to a missing gnome-colord manager (because it's
    mate here...), so it can't read icc-Profiles for the printer. Don't know
    if that affects color-printing somehow.
Dr.Udo Grabowski   Inst.f.Meteorology & Climate Research IMK-ASF-SAT
KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology           http://www.kit.edu
Postfach 3640,76021 Karlsruhe,Germany T:(+49)721 608-26026 F:-926026

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