[OpenIndiana-discuss] 32-bit libraries disappearing

Andreas Wacknitz A.Wacknitz at gmx.de
Sun Jan 7 22:58:47 UTC 2024

Am 07.01.24 um 23:28 schrieb Matthew R. Trower:
> > Thanks for the report.  This falls under #1 above and _somebody_ needs
> > to look at it and try to solve the problem.  I think in this case just
> > rebuild the system/mozilla-nss package 64-bit only should help.
> You can't do this.  You will lose the ldap utils.  Not just the
> userland binaries, but also the simple ability to say, log in to
> systems which authenticate over LDAP.
> > There are several types of software you can run on OpenIndiana:
> Respectfully, you seem to have misinterpreted my message.
> I am not asking for support with my system; I can sort that out
> myself. I am asking why these libraries have been removed, and why I
> see a general trend of 32-bit library removal.  The last I knew, the
> 32-bit kernel was dumped and the userland binaries were being slowly
> migrated, but 32-bit libraries were being preserved.  What changed? 
> Is it a simple matter of needing more hands on deck (i.e. is this
> situation reversible with more help), or is there some other factor? 
> Is there previous discussion about this on the mailing list that I can
> read?
Sorry, I was too fast pressing the send button in my earlier answer.
Dropping 32 bit hasn't been discussed on the mailing list but only in
personal mails and online meetings (we have a monthly maintainer meeting
and try to establish weekly co-working sessions).
The removal process started several weeks ago and until now only very
few have noticed it. It is not our intention to break things but alas
some dependencies aren't obvious.
As already written, OI has very few active maintainers. For most parts
of our infrastructure I am the only one caring. Do we need more?
Certainly yes. Would more hands help keeping 32 bit? Only, if there will
be enough people supporting it. Is the process revertable? Yes, but we
have some cyclic dependencies where re-introducing 32 bit would be some
extra work.


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