[OpenIndiana-discuss] updates and reboots

Marcel Telka marcel at telka.sk
Mon Jan 8 07:10:51 UTC 2024

On Mon, Jan 08, 2024 at 06:21:31AM +0100, Andreas Wacknitz via openindiana-discuss wrote:
> "pfexec pkg freeze osnet-incorporation" does mostly what you want.
> It prohibits the update of packages that come from illumos-gate.
> There are only few other packages (eg. NVIDIA drivers) from OI userland
> that need a reboot.

The only problem with this approach is that it will shortly prevent most
updates since many newly built packages will require something from new
illumos-gate (typically system/library[*]), but since you stay frozen at
the older illumos-gate you won't be able to update affected packages.

The above depends on frequency of the build server updates to new
illumos-gate bits and reboots, which is currently often (roughly once a
week, I think).

[*] Currently ca 2000 packages out of 5200 require system/library and
another ca 300 comes from illumos-gate (so you explicitly opted to not
update them by frozing osnet-incorporation even they do not depend on
system/library).  So you have left only 2900 packages (or very likely
even less because system/library is not the only package that comes from
illumos-gate and is required by other packages) that you can safely
update with frozen osnet-incorporation.  Ca 1100 of them are Perl
packages (library/perl-5/*) and ca 1300 are Python packages
(library/python/*).  So at the end of the day you can update only less
than 500 non Perl, non Python packages when you run with frozen
osnet-incorporation.  This includes ca 60 packages with fonts, for

| Marcel Telka   e-mail:   marcel at telka.sk  |
|                homepage: http://telka.sk/ |

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