[OpenIndiana-discuss] Fonts in some websites become pixelated

w6b7rk5yu4mt25v3 at tutanota.com w6b7rk5yu4mt25v3 at tutanota.com
Wed Jul 31 03:42:36 UTC 2024

Please review the way you configure fonts in your OS. In /etc/fonts/conf.d, you are putting conflicting configuration files. For example: 70-yes-bitmaps.conf and 70-no-bitmaps.conf are both there. Can you guess what is the effect of this? I can't.

Jul 31, 2024, 08:07 by openindiana-discuss at openindiana.org:

> For example, github.com. It seems the bitmap fonts are picked. Should you configure it out of the box to disable bitmap fonts?
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