[OpenIndiana-discuss] Desktop Painpoints
Rolf M. Dietze
rmd at orbit.in-berlin.de
Mon Feb 3 17:42:02 UTC 2025
this thread is actually very welcome to me.
I had 2 issues that refrained me from using OI as a regular
desktop system, that was the rather old firefox, but as far
as I know, Carsten Grzemba made this problem vanish, thanks
for that, it was a key issue. And a lot of driver problems
with older Nvidia boards, sorry we are still on old hardware
Another point is some problems with resourcemanagement. Having
multiple leftover Fujitsu-Futros netbooting NetBSD to then
calling XDMCP-sessions from one OI box in the back, I had SRM
configured as per user project. Bad thing if a user exceeds
their limitations, the x-server is killed, killing all other
x-sessions. This in fact was a show stopper, leading me back
to FreeBSD. We are mostly running xfce, twm and alike, no
gnome or mate, they are too slow and unhandy to our users.
Another point, at least on notebooks, is the lack of wpa-psk
support e.g. wlan-login to eduroam etc. This lead us to use
FreeBSD on most notebooks as well. Most single desktop boxes
run OI or MacOSX, in fact, we don't use windows on any of our
boxes because of, well, we don't like the look and feel of it
and, there is no zfs underneath:)
so with me it is SRM/projects and wifi w/o wpa-psk and the
Quoting Till Wegmüller <toasterson at gmail.com>:
> Hello all
> During FOSDEM I had a talk with a couple people about Desktop
> Painpoints and how they would like to use OpenIndiana as their daily
> driver but a couple of things are just not working or toomuch effort.
> In a first step to address those I would also like to collect
> Feedback from the community on those Painpoints and collect other
> Reasons OpenIndiana does not work as a main driver even if you want
> to use it.
> What are your Painpoints?
> We currently know of
> - Missing WebRTC and thus Chatapp(Teams, Google Meet, Jitsi) Support
> - Old Wifi stack
> - Graphics Card support (AMDGPU and newer Intel)
> Please also feel free to drop comments on those listed above. Or
> list which Apps force you to use Windows VM's for Work.
> We hope to build a good COntributor base that doesn't mean we will
> address every painpoint. But it should be good enough so that People
> feel compelled to Contribute the last missing piece.
> Looking forward to your answers
> Till
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