[OpenIndiana-discuss] Desktop Painpoints

Carsten Grzemba grzemba at contac-dt.de
Tue Feb 4 12:09:53 UTC 2025

Am 03.02.25 18:42 schrieb "Rolf M. Dietze"  <rmd at orbit.in-berlin.de>: 
> Hi,
> this thread is actually very welcome to me.
> I had 2 issues that refrained me from using OI as a regular
> desktop system, that was the rather old firefox, but as far
> as I know, Carsten Grzemba made this problem vanish, thanks
> for that, it was a key issue. And a lot of driver problems
> with older Nvidia boards, sorry we are still on old hardware
> here:)
> Another point is some problems with resourcemanagement. Having
> multiple leftover Fujitsu-Futros netbooting NetBSD to then
> calling XDMCP-sessions from one OI box in the back, I had SRM
> configured as per user project. Bad thing if a user exceeds
> their limitations, the x-server is killed, killing all other
> x-sessions. This in fact was a show stopper, leading me back
> to FreeBSD. We are mostly running xfce, twm and alike, no
> gnome or mate, they are too slow and unhandy to our users.
> Another point, at least on notebooks, is the lack of wpa-psk
> support e.g. wlan-login to eduroam etc. This lead us to use
> FreeBSD on most notebooks as well. Most single desktop boxes
> run OI or MacOSX, in fact, we don't use windows on any of our
> boxes because of, well, we don't like the look and feel of it
> and, there is no zfs underneath:)
> so with me it is SRM/projects and wifi w/o wpa-psk and the
> like
related wpa-eap there was some time ago a GSOC project. Unfortunately
this was realized based on the tool wificonfig and in this time illumos migrated
the wifi managment to dladm.
I attemted to integrate this in illumos-gate
but I have it never finished, the interest of my company on this topic had changing.


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