[OpenIndiana-discuss] FollowUp: Desktop Painpoints

Till Wegmüller toasterson at gmail.com
Tue Feb 11 16:38:05 UTC 2025

Hello All

Thank you all for the Comments on the Desktop Paintpoints. The large 
Topics match with the ones we discovered in a pre screening during 
FOSDEM. Some things look like we need to do some advertisement of our 
modern Firefox and some things are tested on our side but fail on other 
Hardware. For that last Category like moze etc. please open bug reports 
with as many crash details as possible minimaly with Stack trace and or 
core dump.

While I am still compiling the exact list, let me share what the idea is 
with this Information.

First they will be classifed. Each Painpoint mentioned can be classified 
into one of the categories. Small Byte sized bug, which will be taken to 
the bug tracker. Medium project that would be a good project for 
somebody to contribute that wants to do more than a small fix. Large 
Project that may need funding. For the last ones I am already in 
preparation of multiple actions to help out. The first one to Mention is 
the Opening of a OpenCollective Page for gathering Donations towards 
code Bounties. Each of this Larger Projects will be listed as seperate 
project there and on the Website. We will also in a seperate mail look 
into the Formation os a Association to Fundraise specific works with a 
set scope. And yes for this there will need to be a specific scope for 
projects. As a last planned addition the Website will get a 
"Contribute!" page where people are guided towards the possible ways to 
contribute to the Project both Financially and with Code/Documentation. 
If you would like to help out now already feel free to reach out so I 
can guide you to the Getting started Resources.


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