[OpenIndiana-discuss] Formation of an OpenIndiana Association: Call for initial members

Reginald Beardsley pulaskite at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 20 16:37:21 UTC 2025

 Precisely! Non-member comments belong on the regular mailing lists. This is simply committee business. Meeting via mailing list to accommodate time zone differences and create a permanent record. The committee minutes should be readable to all, but the actual meeting posts should follow Robert's Rules of Order precisely as one does in a concurrent meeting. KISS. Non-members may be allowed to comment, but using the process in Robert's. It spreads the meeting out a lot, but it also makes achieving a quorum much simpler.

I don't see this as anything other than covering the costs of website, etc. Mostly providing structure such that someone leaving doesn't crater OI. Basic enterprise management. At present a bad car crash at FOSSDEM could cripple OI pretty badly. The more we document the better.

Have Fun!

     On Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 09:31:24 AM CST, Udo Grabowski (IMK) <udo.grabowski at kit.edu> wrote:  

On 2/20/25 01:40, Reginald Beardsley via openindiana-discuss wrote:
>  If they have so much desire to contribute why are they not members? Seriously, why should dues paying members listen to people unwilling to pay the dues at 30 Euros? It's not as if it's required for access to the existing mailing lists.
> ....

To my understanding, this is NOT a fee for OI development, having access
to repositories, etc., but ONLY for the costs of a steering committee !

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