[OpenIndiana-discuss] SunStudio

Apostolos Syropoulos asyropoulos at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 18 16:01:49 UTC 2010

> I agree whole heartedly with you, however trying to find a decent  opensource
> JVM that Oracle doesn't or can't control is nearly impossible. I  love Java
> and switching to LLVM is to costly in terms of hours spent learning  it. Java

I understand this,  but since OpenJDK can be built on Linux using GCC, I think
one should be able to do the same thing on OpenIndiana. It is true that one
has to download some system-dependent bits from


but doing the following

$jar -xf ../jdk-7-ea-plug-b118-solaris-x64-11_nov_2010.jar
$find . -print

reveals that there are no shared objects that would make it impossible
to build OpenJDK with GCC. And to be sure that nothing can go wrong,
one can use a Java disassembler to check what is going on inside these
.class files. So everything is possible.


Apostolos Syropoulos
Xanthi, Greece


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