[OpenIndiana-discuss] Forced to power cycle OI 151

Ewald Ertl ewald.ertl at gmail.com
Fri Dec 30 12:52:47 UTC 2011


On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 2:15 AM, Reginald Beardsley <pulaskite at yahoo.com>wrote:

> After running 148 w/o any problems for ~9 months I recently did an upgrade
> to 151.
> I've now had to power cycle the machine twice.  In both instances I was
> running Firefox and the display froze.  No mouse or keyboard response.  Nor
> was I able to trigger a shutdown dialog w/ the power switch.
> This time when I logged in it announced I'd chosen a new language (WTF is
> that about?) and wanted to move /home/rhb to /home/rhb/Public.  This caused
> me to check crontab

I got something like this by changing the login language in the GDM Login
manager, so it likes to adjust the folders to your locale Names, just like
Windows. There is a folder for pictures which is in German Bilder.

Maybee it has to do with the change to Illumos and new packages in the 151,
where Gnome thinks this is a new language.


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