[OpenIndiana-discuss] Proposal: OpenIndiana Stable Branch

Gary Gendel gary at genashor.com
Sun Jan 16 13:35:15 UTC 2011


Kudos for the great discussion going on here.  This is exactly the right 
discussion to get things moving forward.  As for the "You should include 
xxxx", this can go on forever and facture the community.  As for choice 
of MTA, everyone has their own favorite (mine happens to be a 
spamdyke/qmail variant).  Rather than go down the black-hole of "which 
is better", I suggest that OI picks one and the community supports 
packaging their favorite replacements.

Core means different things to different people, for example...  Server 
installations would probably want mail, web, etc. service packages, but 
a desktop installation wouldn't really need this at all.  One one 
platform I removed mail services entirely but then there can be no 
report from a cron error, etc.  I was successful at replacing it with 
nullmail, but that would be a setup nightmare for most users, and is too 
insecure to be a viable replacement.

I only mention this because the installer should know the target use of 
the machine so it knows what "core" really is.  Few will be happy at 
everything on a community requested list.


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