[OpenIndiana-discuss] Identical Installs but different screen Res

Harry Putnam reader at newsguy.com
Fri Apr 18 15:37:41 UTC 2014

Jim Klimov <jimklimov at cos.ru> writes:


> And given that i am not a kernel/driver developer and in the end a
> computer and its OS are tools to get the official job
> done... well... i'd rather have to use whatever works and does not
> impede my job. Even though a native oi might be more suitable than one
> in the vm.
> Might yet settle on physical linux, like the rest of the team did, though...

Not sure I understand you there... Do you mean work with vm guest on a
linux HOST is what most devs do?

I've often wondered why the console of OI has never been developed
beyond about 1990s.  It is more primitive still than my first forays
into linux around 1996.  The linux console has developed a good bit
since then and can be a serious env for serious work... where as the
OI console is a flat out pain in the keester... making the gui nearly
a necessity. 

No doubt, someone will invite me to take up its improvement... and I
guess it's a good point... except that my skill level would not allow

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