[OpenIndiana-discuss] OI Hipster 2016.10 snapshot

Tim Mooney Tim.Mooney at ndsu.edu
Wed Nov 2 21:33:30 UTC 2016

In regard to: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OI Hipster 2016.10 snapshot,...:

>> Here's what happens when I try run from the command line:
>> $ libreoffice4.4 ld.so.1: soffice.bin: fatal: relocation error: file
>> /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/libvcllo.so: symbol
>> _ZNSt8__detail15_List_node_base7_M_hookEPS0_: referenced symbol not found
> Hi Tim,
> I had problem with libreoffice (LO) after SFE has changed gcc location. Had to 
> uninstall LO (together with related packages) and install it from scratch. See 
> http://sfe.opencsw.org/comment/175#comment-175 and comments above. Now it 
> works fine.

Thanks Predrag, your post and Apostolos' post helped me figure out
the problem.  I can go into details if others run into this problem too,
but ultimately the issue (for me) was a combination of
previously-installed packages from SFE that had pulled in
sfe/system/library/gcc-runtime 4.9, and a publisher order that had
localhostoih before hipster-encumbered.

What fixed it for me was

- pkg list | egrep localhostoih and then uninstall all those packages, so
   I had nothing installed from SFE.

- pkg unset-publisher localhostoih to remove it from the (middle of the)
   publisher search order.

- re-add localhostoih using the command from the release notes.  Since it
   was re-added, it ended up at the end of the publisher search order,
   after hipster-encumbered.

- for good measure, switch hipster-encumbered back to sticky:

 	pkg set-publisher --sticky hipster-encumbered

- install video/ffmpeg and media/vlc, which now were coming from
   hipster-encumbered rather than SFE.

- install libreoffice using the commands from the release notes.  This
   time, because the SFE gcc-runtime 4.9 was not already installed, the
   dependency pulled in was the SFE 4.8 runtime instead.

I now have LibreOffice as well as newer versions of ffmpeg and vlc, which
are again correctly coming from hipster-encumbered.

Tim Mooney                                             Tim.Mooney at ndsu.edu
Enterprise Computing & Infrastructure                  701-231-1076 (Voice)
Room 242-J6, Quentin Burdick Building                  701-231-8541 (Fax)
North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164

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