[OpenIndiana-discuss] gcc -l

Handojo handoyog at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 29 08:43:22 UTC 2017

Dear Friends,
I am currently stuck with a subset of an installation Script on PostGIS on OI, which prevents me to go further, and project time is due.

- Here's the problematic gcc
========================gcc -m64 -I../liblwgeom -fPIC -shared -o postgis-2.3.so postgis_module.o lwgeom_accum.o lwgeom_spheroid.o lwgeom_ogc.o lwgeom_functions_analytic.o lwgeom_inout.o lwgeom_functions_basic.o lwgeom_btree.o lwgeom_box.o lwgeom_box3d.o lwgeom_geos.o lwgeom_sfcgal.o lwgeom_backend_api.o lwgeom_geos_prepared.o lwgeom_geos_clean.o lwgeom_geos_relatematch.o lwgeom_export.o lwgeom_in_gml.o lwgeom_in_kml.o lwgeom_in_geohash.o lwgeom_in_geojson.o lwgeom_in_encoded_polyline.o lwgeom_triggers.o lwgeom_dump.o lwgeom_dumppointso lwgeom_functions_lrs.o lwgeom_functions_temporal.o long_xact.o lwgeom_sqlmm.o lwgeom_rtree.o lwgeom_transform.o lwgeom_window.o gserialized_typmod.o gserialized_gist_2d.o gserialized_gist_nd.o brin_2d.o brin_nd.o brin_common.o gserialized_estimate.o geography_inout.o geography_btree.o geography_measurement.o geography_measurement_trees.o geometry_inout.o -L/opt/postgres/9.6.3-pgdg/lib/64 -L/usr/lib -L/usr/lib -Wl, -R'/opt/postgres/9.6.3-pgdg/lib/64' ../libpgcommon/libpgcommon.a ../liblwgeom/.libs/liblwgeom.a -L/opt/postgres/geos/lib -L/opt/postgres/proj4/lib -lgeos_c -proj -ljson-c -L/usr/lib -R/usr/lib -lxml2 -L/usr/lib -lz -llzma -lpthread -lm -lsocket -lnsl -L/usr/local/lib -lSFCGAL -L/usr/local/bin/lib -L/usr/local/lib -lSFCGAL

It seems that "-l" assumes that it can "find" the specified library on the system. Example -lSFCGALAnd it seems that it tries to locate that particular library in the "installed by IPS" repository.
However, I am installing from the source and hence, gcc can't find it.
So, I am thinking of two solution :
First, would be putting the compiled library into local IPS, and reinstall the library from IPS, such that, the "same and above" gcc can find the installed library
Second, would be to find where this gcc is generated, and change the command. But, I don't know what equivalent the gcc command would be :Example : gcc -lSFCGAL
changed into what ? gcc ????
Desperately need help. Thanks

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