[OpenIndiana-discuss] Not what I expected updating from 151_9 to latest hipster

Harry Putnam reader at newsguy.com
Wed Mar 22 18:40:25 UTC 2017

Nikola M <minikola at gmail.com> writes:

> On 03/22/17 04:43 AM, Harry Putnam wrote:
>> I'm working on updating a host from 151_9 to latest hipster.
> If you do have backups, try using hipster-2015 as the intermediary
> step to update old /dev installs and then from that to update to
> /hipster:
> https://wiki.openindiana.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=30802657
> That said, it is always better to do fresh install, but if wanting to
> keep old /dev BE's on disk, one can also do fresh install elsewhere
> (like in VirtualBox) and after creating new BE (beadm create) and
> mounting it (beadm mount), delete it's contents, unmount and then zfs
> send form new install to zfs receive into new BE zfs dataset.
> Yet, new illumos loader change , once installed is a disruptive
> change, so for booting into previous GRUB BE, including old /dev, take
> a look at the announcement:
> https://www.openindiana.org/2016/09/28/loader-integration/
> ESC on loader and:
> ok beadm list zfs:rpool
> ok beadm activate <bename>
> ok load -t rootfs /platform/i86pc/amd64/boot_archive
> ok boot

After seeing the possible pitfalls of trying to update from 151_9 I've
chickened out and will be doing a fresh install.

Especially since I have no important data in sufficient quantity to
not be easily backed up with simple tarring to another host on the
lab. I'm talking less than 1gb when tar bzipped.

So, I've ordered 2 new 160 gb sata wd diskcs ($16 per disc) to avoid
possible problems with boot loader mayhem using my current discs.  And
also since I was warned off using IDE which my current discs are.

Hopefully that will forstall some possible problems.

But, I'm doing some practicing on a vbox hipster vm concering
mirroring the rpool.  That host has rpool on only 1 disc currently.

I've added a twin of the rpool disc.

So, a question... considering the recent change in bootloaders is the
information at:


Concerning mirroring rpool still the best way to go?

The current rpool was created about a 1.5 mnths ago (Using the 161030
iso) Installation is updated as of today.

Not sure if that means it has grub in mbr or what.

On the web page itself:
Underneath  the material posted below is another section: GPT Partitioning (Hipster Style)

It will make this post a bit long so not including it here.  But some
of you will know the procedure described.

So my question is whether to follow the procedure below or the one
described in Section (as mentioned above)

Briefly the instructions from:

From: https://wiki.openindiana.org/oi/2.1+Post-installation

    Section 2.1.1 How to mirror the root disk

[NOTE: the content below has been wrapped and slightly edited for mail
-ed HP (removed all instances of `pfexec' and some spaces to shorten

| Added by Marco van Lienen, last edited by WebDawg on Aug 28,
| 2015 (view change)
| 2.1.1 How to mirror the root disk
| See 2.1.1 below for Hipster (GPT) partitions.
|   First, we list the connected disks in the system.  You can replace
|   type(disk) with other options for different types of hardware
|   configurations also. Try running cfgadm -al
| # cfgadm -s "select=type(disk)"
| Ap_Id                 Type    Receptacle   Occupant     Condition
| sata0/0::dsk/c3t0d0   disk    connected    configured   ok
| sata0/1::dsk/c3t1d0   disk    connected    configured   ok
| # zpool status rpool
| pool: rpool
|  state: ONLINE
|   scan: none requested
| config:
|         NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
|         rpool       ONLINE       0     0     0
|           c3t0d0s0  ONLINE       0     0     0
| So c3t0d0 is disk 0 in rpool and c3t1d0 is disk 1, the disk we want to
| use as a mirror.
| Now (on x86 only) we need to apply a default Solaris fdisk partition
| to a disk:
| # format (choose disk 1, then run fdisk (here, choose Y to
|   select the 100% Solaris partition))
| Alternatively, this applies the same configuration automatically:
| # fdisk -B c3t1d0p0 (p0 is the whole disk starting from the MBR)
| Now we set up an SMI label with same partitioning as disk 0 on disk 1.
| # prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c3t0d0s2 |  fmthard -s - /dev/rdsk/c3t1d0s2
| Now we add the 2nd drive to our rpool by issuing:
| # zpool attach -f rpool c3t0d0s0 c3t1d0s0
| Now we wait for the resilver to finish on the 2nd drive (check with
| zpool status -v rpool).
| Now it's time to make the second mirror half bootable.
| # installgrub /boot/grub/stage1 /boot/grub/stage2 /dev/rdsk/c3t1d0s0
| Only thing left to do on an x86 system is add disk 1 to the BIOS' list
| of bootable devices!

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