[OpenIndiana-discuss] Annoying mouse twitchyness [Mate]

Till Wegmüller toasterson at gmail.com
Mon May 8 09:11:31 UTC 2017


As a Gamer having played with mouse sensitivity for some time I can give 
some Insight into the different Values and what they do.

Mouse acceleration: In Linux this is an exponential value that increases 
how much the cursor jumps on screen compared to actual Mouse movement 
done. I prefer this as low as possible as I can adjust my mouse to have 
high enough sensitivity to cover the whole screen width.

Mouse Sensitivity: This value is usually set via the Mouse driver and is 
directly influenced by hardware. The value basicly describes how many 
pixels on a screen (one or multiple monitors) you can move with one inch 
of mousepad space. A normal office Mouse (non Brand) usually has one 
fixed value of either 1600 or 2400. Meaning you can move 1600 Pixels on 
an inch of Mousepad space.

Pointer Threshhold: How many pixels of movement does it take before the 
mouse starts moving on the screen.

Surface: As far fetsched as it sometimes sound the surface where you 
place your mouse can be the biggest cause for mouse weirdness. A 
reflecting surface like glass or a nicely polished wooden office table 
makes mice go nuts most of the times. Best is a single coloured matt 
black surface out of a hard material like wood or metal.

What I understood from your mails is that when you place the cursor on 
an edge carefully and then try to catch the edge you can not grab it as 
it basicly goes past what you want or not far enough.

In this case I would put the cause for the twitchyness more on the mouse 
and surface interaction than the mouse acceleration, since that should 
not trigger noticeably with this kind of movement.

Could you share what surface you are using? and what mouse?
Are you using a similar mouse on all computers?


On 08.05.2017 02:11, Gary Mills wrote:
> On Fri, May 05, 2017 at 06:32:36PM -0400, Harry Putnam wrote:
>> Gary Mills <gary_mills at fastmail.fm> writes:
>>> You should find an empty directory /etc/hal/fdi/policy/30user .
>>> Create a file 10-x11-input.fdi in that directory to reduce the mouse
>>> sensitivity.  You have to restart HAL or log out and log in again to
>>> activate the change.  I'll attach the file I used.  I don't know if it
>>> will work on other desktops.
>> The mouse seems pretty sluggish now and still pretty jumpy too but it
>> is somewhat better... probably about half as difficult to select the
>> corner of an application window as it was before inserting your
>> file... so thanks very much.
> I found a document on the web that actually explains what
> ConstantDeceleration does.  It's this one:
>      https://www.x.org/wiki/Development/Documentation/PointerAcceleration/
> It also describes the possible values of that option, as well as other
> options that you can use similarly.  Some of these options may be
> controlled by the mouse settings GUI, but some are likely not.
> You will likely have to experiment with options and their values to
> find settings that do what you want.

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