[OpenIndiana-discuss] OI new user questions - 2

Judah Richardson judahrichardson at gmail.com
Thu Dec 10 16:54:29 UTC 2020

On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 10:12 AM Kalle Anka via openindiana-discuss <
openindiana-discuss at openindiana.org> wrote:

>  Thanx for your answer! Yes, my mobo might have several USB controllers. I
> need to check it up. (I read all answers, but do not answer, because I do
> not want to clutter up the mail lists with lot of "thank you" replys)
> However, I can not boot OI usb on my PC. So I think I have to wait until
> next OI release and see if that one works on my hardware instead of
> 2020.10. I have to use Solaris 11.3 until then. So I now have two Solaris
> 11.3 questions instead.
> 1) I tried to copy files from my Windows NAS to my home directory but it
> failed. It was a question of time out. Can it be something with write
> permissions? I can write Solaris data to my NAS and copy it back to another
> home directory. But i can not write original NAS data to my Solaris home
> directory. Why? Anyone have a clue?
This seems to be a Solaris + Windows question, not an OI one ;)

2) I tried to install Solaris 11.3 packages, such as Firefox, but IPS
> upgrade does not work. Why is that? Is the 11.3 IPS packages locked down,
> in favour of 11.4? Anyone knows?
Also a Solaris question?

> I will check the next OI release. I hope it will work with my hardware,
> because I really want to migrate to OI! :)
>     On Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 01:40:51 AM GMT+1, John D Groenveld <
> groenveld at acm.org> wrote:
>  In message <964006845.3629689.1607454331391 at mail.yahoo.com>, Kalle Anka
> via ope
> nindiana-discuss writes:
> > blogs, it seems that Bhyve does support GPU passthrough, but do not
> support U
> >SB passthrough, which means it is problematic to use keyboard and mouse
> in the
> Your existing mainboard might have multiple embedded USB controllers
> in which case you could dedicate one for your gamer VM.
> Or you could add an additional USB controller.`
> > VM. So I want to investigate this more, either OI + Bhyve, or OI + KVM,
> for G
> >PU passthrough and Windows gaming.
> Happy hacking,
> John
> groenveld at acm.org
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