[OpenIndiana-discuss] catching hell getting booted

Tony Brian Albers tba at kb.dk
Thu Feb 4 07:02:18 UTC 2021

I've installed OI many times on a lot of different hardware.

I've learned that a number of things are very important when it comes to 
booting on a USB stick:

1. Make sure that you actually use the .usb image file to write a usb 
stick (yes, it's obvious, I know)

2. Make sure that you use the right blocksize, i.e. dd on linux:
$ sudo dd if=OI-hipster-text-20201031.usb of=/dev/sdb bs=1M
3. Make sure that your BIOS is updated to newest release, even though 
the newest release may be 5 years old.

4. Avoid UEFI of any kind.



Tony Albers - Systems Architect - IT Development Royal Danish Library, 
Victor Albecks Vej 1, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Tel: +45 2566 2383 - CVR/SE: 2898 8842 - EAN: 5798000792142

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