[OpenIndiana-discuss] Anyone running OI on VPS?

Judah Richardson judahrichardson at gmail.com
Thu Feb 25 16:20:23 UTC 2021

On Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 9:47 AM cretin1997 via openindiana-discuss <
openindiana-discuss at openindiana.org> wrote:

> Do you run OI on VPS or dedicated server?
Dedicated server.

> Does OI suitable to run on a VPS at all?
Don't see why not.

> It seems normal cheap VPS plan of many host providers will be not enough.
> OI takes much more disk space than Linux because of Boot Environments. So
> it seems I will need to upgrade the storage plan. OI also needs more memory
> to work because of pkg so I will need more memory, too. This end up with a
> not cheap at all VPS whose resources (cores, memory, storage space) will be
> same same as my home PC.
I've only ever had space problems when I had OI on a 32 GB SSD. I migrated
to a 128 GB SSD and have had no such issues since.

> If it's so, does a dedicate server should be more preferred?
> But if it's the case, why someone consider running OI in the first place
> instead of Linux since Linux is a much cheaper option?
Personal preference.

> I'm talking about normal KVM host providers here.
> I have no idea about the cloud (AWS, GCE, Azure,...) at all.
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