[OpenIndiana-discuss] How to replace failed rpool mirror disk?

Bob Friesenhahn bfriesen at simple.dallas.tx.us
Mon Jan 18 14:07:32 UTC 2021

On Mon, 18 Jan 2021, Eric Bautsch wrote:

> I may be completely off piste here, but here goes....
> From memory and not having an x86 system booted at the moment to double 
> check: You don't need to mess around with partitioning at all. You do need to 
> label the disk though (which is annoying). So your first format, when it 
> asked you whether or not to label, just say yes, write the label and exit.
> Assuming your rpool is currently running as a single disk (it's an x86 system 
> and you have physically removed the old disk prior to boot), you just attach 
> a mirror to the rpool.

Thanks for this advice.  The OpenIndiana wiki does not really address 
this, although it contains a lot of apparently dated information for 
how to install boot related software on the disk.  It likely still 
applies for people using still using OpenIndiana 51a8 or a9.

> I'm not entirely sure if writing a bootblock is required, I have always done 
> so, but am wondering if the mirror attach already does that for you, but as 
> someone else pointed out earlier, it doesn't hurt to re-write it.

I am strongly suspecting that this stuff was automated during the 
bootloader effort.

Bob Friesenhahn
bfriesen at simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
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