[OpenIndiana-discuss] How to get a usable console on OI?

Hung Nguyen Gia gh_origin at zohomail.com
Mon Jan 25 02:46:14 UTC 2021

If you have a powerful machine, about twice of your currently is enough, then...

just run OI as a guest under any virtualization solution (VirtualBox, VMWare or QEMU/KVM...), give the VM as much as you can, e.g: at least 4 cores 8 GB of RAM,

then you definitely get better performance.

There is software that... not suitable to use on real life hardware at all.

Unless you do cherry picking on a list of supported hardware.

e.g: HaikuOS.

It has never run with acceptable performance or bug-free on real life hardware.

But it's smooth on VirtualBox.

ReactOS, too.

And so does OpenIndiana, sadly.

OI runs happily with good performance on VirtualBox if it has the graphics driver and guest addition installed.

My real hardware is fortunately supported by OI, so I have good performance, too.

I have discovered this painful truth a long time ago.

So my intended usage of OI mainly for VPS server (it's simply running under a VM after all).

But OI is not optimized for running like that at all. Linux and FreeBSD does, though.

It's bad. OI needs twice as resources as Linux. You need at least 4 GB of RAM and limit ZFS ARC Cache Size in /etc/system to let it run at acceptable performance.

Yeah. 4 GB of RAM is no longer a small VPS. There is website runs on Linux with just 2 cores 1 GB of RAM!

This is the reason why I'm too expected on Tribblix.

It's the only Illumos that still could be installed on UFS, thus, the resources needed is just a bit higher than Linux or FreeBSD, thus acceptable for a VPS.

Sorry for the long off topic post. I'm not intended to rant but just to share my experience.

If the community doesn't want it, I will stop posting like this.

Hope it helps.

---- On Mon, 25 Jan 2021 08:27:38 +0700 Chris <oidev at bsdos.info> wrote ----

 > I have a recent install where I simply login at the 
 > console -- no X related stuff. Just the screen. 
 > Things just seem broken, For example, a simple ls /dev 
 > takes a full 3 to 4 seconds to fill the screen, and each 
 > page full is an additional 3 to 4 seconds. This is on a 3 
 > core AMD CPU @3Ghz && 8Gb RAM on a x16 pcie Nvidia card. 
 > This seems horribly unreasonable. Simple shell scripts 
 > that output to the screen take as long or longer to write 
 > to the screen. It's like the old days logging into a BBS, 
 > or an anonymous ftp site on an 8086 or 80286. 
 > Thanks for any clues! :-) 
 > -- 
 > ~10yrs a FreeBSD maintainer of ~160 ports 
 > ~40yrs of UNIX 
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