[OpenIndiana-discuss] Still stuck at installing build-essential

hput hputn3 at zohomail.com
Thu Jun 30 14:33:03 UTC 2022

I'm seeing some odd output when trying to install build-essential.

Its a brand-new install where a full update has been performed and it
has been rebooted.  In the past I've been able to install
build-essential at this stage.
But not this time.  It seems there are conflicts within the pkg list
of `build-essential'.

I don't understand the output much.  But it closes with telling I
might get away with installing  "non-conflicting subset".  This with
no way for USER to begin to put together a subset since the set is
never mentioned.

I've included the (to me) most confusing bit, [quoted just below],
but have attached a full log of events taking place after I type:

 pkg install build-essential 2>&1| tee install-build-essential.log


| pkg install: The requested change to the system attempts to install multiple actions
| for link 'usr/share/man/man1/python3.1' with conflicting attributes:
|     1 package delivers 'link mediator=python mediator-version=3.5 path=usr/share/man/man1/python3.1 target=python3.5.1':
|         pkg://openindiana.org/runtime/python-35@3.5.10,5.11-2020.0.1.0:20201014T142618Z
|     1 package delivers 'link mediator=python mediator-version=3.7 path=usr/share/man/man1/python3.1 target=python3.7.1':
|         pkg://openindiana.org/runtime/python-37@3.7.13,5.11-2022.0.0.0:20220317T204725Z
|     1 package delivers 'link mediator=python3 mediator-priority=vendor mediator-version=3.9 path=usr/share/man/man1/python3.1 target=python3.9.1':
|         pkg://openindiana.org/runtime/python-39@3.9.13,5.11-2022.0.0.1:20220626T102514Z
| These packages cannot be installed together. Any non-conflicting subset
| of the above packages can be installed.
(Sorry about line length but I thought it might not be wise to edit)

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