[OpenIndiana-discuss] Announcing the #OpenIndiana CoWorking Sessions.

Brandon Barker brandon.barker at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 14:36:33 UTC 2023

Just wanted to send out the meeting notes - thanks to TIll for cleaning
these up.

   - There was a tool request for a tool that takes metadata from recipies
   and shares them between repos and informs people about new versions of
   packages on (pkgsrc, oi-userland and omnios build tooling)
      - https://repology.org/
         - doesn’t notify maintainers
         - provides a view of which packages are out of date
      - Till has a prototype that will bump versions called “the forge”
      which will also add activitypub support for friendly forge formatted PR's
      to upstream activity pub
   - Docs
      - priority is to guide new people into the process of contributing in
      various ways process
      - What do people need on terms of full tutorials?
   - Two diverging versions of IPS (with OI and OmniOS), but only the
   differing zone brands are a problem.
      - Rust version is on the backburner - as it was figured out what the
      slow issue was in the sheer amount of userland incorporations
built by the
      - The work would mostly include git cherry-picking the commits from
      omnios into our repo and removing both brand directories after.
   - Someone would like to see Xorg and Mesa updated to the latest
      - All of that except gfx-drm is userland packaging and a simple task.
      It's good for somebody to start and with some time.
      - At some point compilation might fail because
      https://github.com/OpenIndiana/gfx-drm is not exporting the correct
      kernel functions.
   - Building packages guide: https://docs.openindiana.org/dev/userland/
   - Developing drivers (book):
      - ARM drivers might be the easiest to work on as they have a lot of
      TODO's in the code and simpe devices like serial ports etc not yet
      - Rust drivers
         - Oxide has some - illumos-gate repo at oxide should have some
            - Network driver and network fastpath driver are written in
            rust, and can be compiled and run on OI, but the software
itself is beta.
            However, these could be packages if people want to work on
a Oxide at Home
            set of packages.
         - MaxPower experiment
         - official binding crate https://crates.io/crates/illumos/0.0.0
         (Will need some push though)
         - use Rust no-std environment
         - use prepared kernel functions
         - write safe Rust functions as FFI to unsafe C kernel functions
         - lots and lots of bindgen.
         - Not much use for existing devs as it must integrate into
         existing kernel interfaces and existing devs have more training in C
      - Might be good to incrementally update solaris docs to be
   OI-specific, and remove solaris docs from search (but still reference them)
      - Legacy consolidation could probably be deleted completely (done and
   - Oxide is based on upstream illumos-gate and omnios build recipies due
   to multiple reasons.
   - KaOS is mentioned as a linux distro that might want to switch to
   illumos, but it is also mentioned this would likely be very difficult. It
   would be good to coordinate.
   - For Rust dev on OI, https://helix-editor.com/ works and supports
   rust-analyzer and debugging

   As a follow-up to the repology and x11 discussions, alanc pointed out
   - "most Xorg package updates should be really easy, especially as I make
   sure they all build on Solaris 11.4. Some of the Xorg drivers may involve
   interdependencies with the gfx-drm kernel drivers, as will Mesa. The other
   fun with Mesa is coordinating with LLVM updates for the shader compilers &
   GPU backends."
   - "release-monitoring.org/ <https://release-monitoring.org/> has a
   mechanism for notifying package maintainers of new upstream releases,
   though we mainly just poll it from a cron job."

      The COMPONENT_ANITYA_ID entries in the solaris-userland Makefiles are
      the ids from this system. For instance, COMPONENT_ANITYA_ID=5250 in
      maps to https://release-monitoring.org/project/5250/



On Sat, Nov 11, 2023 at 8:37 AM Till Wegmueller <toasterson at gmail.com>

> Several people have wished to have some more regular times to sit
> together and ask questions when they get stuck packaging. So we made
> some time slots available.
> This Weekend Sunday: 18:00 CET we will have the first session. I know
> this might not fit everyone but with it repeating every week there is
> hopefully enough slots where people can bring issues they are having. If
> other times are needed we can also add them.
> URL: https://meet.chaostreffbern.ch/OpenIndianaCoWorkingSessions
> --Toasty, for the Maintainers
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Brandon Barker
brandon.barker at gmail.com

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