[OpenIndiana-discuss] Heads-Up: Obsoletion of 39 old packages

Matthew R. Trower dev at blackshard.net
Tue Jan 9 22:08:13 UTC 2024

 > All of them are:
 > - very old - they are more than 10 years old
 > - not maintained - we have no knowledge how to build them (there are
 >   no build recipes for them in oi-userland)
 > - not needed - nothing in OpenIndiana depends on them

I'm not very knowledgeable on how OI is packaged; how are they in the 
repos currently if we can't build them?  Did we inherit them in binary 
format in the ON IPS repos or something?

I can say JEdit still works at a cursory glance.  I don't use it very 
often anymore, but I'm not sure why it should have to go if it isn't 
broken.  Is it causing you problems somehow?

dwdiff appears to have source available

as does mtx

I wonder why we don't?

For the CDE packages, we don't ship an entire CDE, right? So all they 
can do is support programs intended to run on/integrate with CDE, on 
machines that don't actually have CDE installed... right?  Furthermore, 
CDE is open source these days.  I don't know if current releases compile 
on OI, but it did at least compile at one time (I use it as my DE, in 
fact), and at any rate ought to be able to be made to compile again. 
So, people ought to be able to get a proper release of CDE if they 
desire one (though that may change if enough of the wrong 32-bit libs 
disappear).  Therefore, I would say CDE packages probably constitute 
cruft and ought to be able to go.

Motif itself (while not on this list) is a curious situation.  It was 
open sourced along with CDE, so we could actually update to a source 
release.  From what I recall however, there was at a breaking change in 
the open source codebase which prevents backwards/forwards compatibility 
between the two.  This really sucked when I had a mix of applications 
depending on both the closed and open releases.  However...

$ pkg search -r depend::library/motif
INDEX       ACTION VALUE                                PACKAGE
incorporate depend library/motif at 0.5.11-2013.0.0.0 
pkg:/consolidation/cde/cde-incorporation at 0.5.11-2013.0.0.0
require     depend pkg:/library/motif at 0.5.11- 
pkg:/library/motif/libdpstkxm at 0.5.11-2013.0.0.0
require     depend pkg:/library/motif 
pkg:/developer/opensolaris/X at 2-2022.0.0.0
require     depend pkg:/library/motif at 0.5.11-2013.0.0.0 
pkg:/x11/keyboard/accessx at 7.5-2020.0.1.1
require     depend library/motif at 0.5.11- 
pkg:/library/tooltalk at 0.5.11-2013.0.0.0
require     depend library/motif at 0.5.11- 
pkg:/cde/help-viewer at 0.5.11-2013.0.0.0
require     depend library/motif at 0.5.11- 
pkg:/cde/cde-runtime at 0.5.11-2013.0.0.0

Am I correct in observing, that the only remaining packages depending on 
our Motif will be developer/opensolaris/X and x11/keyboard/accessx?  I 
would think those could easily be updated to work with the new code. 
I'd be curious to know if anyone is using this packaged release of Motif 
any longer.

-- Matthew R. Trower

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