[OpenIndiana-discuss] Heads-Up: Obsoletion of 39 old packages

Alan Coopersmith alan.coopersmith at oracle.com
Tue Jan 9 22:25:41 UTC 2024

On 1/9/24 14:08, Matthew R. Trower wrote:
> Motif itself (while not on this list) is a curious situation.  It was open 
> sourced along with CDE, so we could actually update to a source release.  From 
> what I recall however, there was at a breaking change in the open source 
> codebase which prevents backwards/forwards compatibility between the two.  This 
> really sucked when I had a mix of applications depending on both the closed and 
> open releases.  However...

Yes, I believe the open source OpenMotif 2.3 is not binary compatible with the
Solaris closed source Motif 2.1.  That shouldn't be a problem for the packages
in OI, if OI rebuilt all the packages to use OpenMotif, just for running 
programs built against the Solaris libraries.

> Am I correct in observing, that the only remaining packages depending on our 
> Motif will be developer/opensolaris/X and x11/keyboard/accessx?

developer/opensolaris/X was the set of package dependencies needed to build the
OpenSolaris X consolidation, and doesn't make sense for OI to maintain now that
all the X packages are folded into oi-userland instead.  There is no actual
software built in developer/opensolaris/X - it's solely a set of package
dependencies.  x11/keyboard/accessx is mainly interesting for running CDE or
other setups without the accessibility controls provided in the desktop
environment - it's not necessary for GNOME which has accessibility controls
in it's settings apps, and I suspect is not needed for MATE either.

         -Alan Coopersmith-                 alan.coopersmith at oracle.com
          Oracle Solaris Engineering - https://blogs.oracle.com/solaris

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