[OpenIndiana-discuss] Sun Management Centre

Rainer Heilke rheilke at dragonhearth.com
Tue May 14 18:13:24 UTC 2024

------ Original Message ------
>From "Rolf M. Dietze" <rmd at orbit.in-berlin.de>
To "Discussion list for OpenIndiana" 
<openindiana-discuss at openindiana.org>
Date 2024-05-14 12:43:55 AM
Subject Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Sun Management Centre

>Quoting Rainer Heilke <rheilke at dragonhearth.com>:
>>On 5/13/24 22:50, Toomas Soome via openindiana-discuss wrote:
>>>>On 14. May 2024, at 08:12, Rainer Heilke <rheilke at dragonhearth.com> wrote:
>>>>I keep running into documentation that tells me to do a task by  firing up the Sun Management Centre, but OI doesn't seem to have  it, nor can I find any way of getting/installing it. Is it  available for OpenIndiana? Is it maybe in a different repository?
>>>>The documentation needs to either explain how to get it, or any  reference to it needs to be purged, IMNSH opinion. If the former,  I may be able to help a bit, as energy levels allow.
>>>I’m afraid, it is long dead. So yes, if you see the references,  please do file the issue (and patches are also very welcome!).
>>I'll look into how to file issues, and make a note of the pages I've  already found.
>>Unfortunately, that means a number of documents need to be fleshed  out with the proper chain of commands to perform the functions, and  I don't know how much I can help. Aside from limited energy, I never  had to deal with RBAC, etc. This is new-ish territory for me, having  always used sudo when I was working. (I want to learn the "proper"  RBAC way of doing things, even if only for kicks and giggles, which  is why I was looking into this in the first place.)
>Hi Rainer,
>I use RBAC quite often, on Solaris as well as on OpenIndiana since I
>am running Sunray desktops for class on Solaris in kiosk mode to have
>the students connect to OpenIndiana machines for their tasks to do.
>The students have to do admin stuff on the target systems but are all
>homed on one OpenIndiana machine to start from. So RBAC and resource
>management are needed. If you reference to the old Solaris 10 documentation,
>both run smoothly. I do not use any GUI but xterm for that as for most
>tasks on theses boxes. Have a look in the old documentation. Resource
>management works quite the same as on solaris 11, also have a look there
>By the way, I do have an issue with resource management on OpenIndiana,
>that is, if a student runs against certain limitations mostly in number
>of lwps, the resource management terminates the X server. That it does
>for all sessions. Haven't had the time to dig into this and I am not
>sure if it is of any interest since my setup is not so commonly used.
>The Sun Management Center was a long and not so enthusiastic story as
>since Solaris never had consistent admin GUIs as example smit on AIX oder
>sam on HP-UX
Thanks, to everyone.
I'll try to file issues in the next few days -- I have other 
(non-computer) issues to deal with today.
I think that before I start asking questions, I need to wrap my head 
around the general structure of RBAC. What comes first, that sort of 
thing. Then my questions will at least make sense, and I won't be 
wasting everyone's time.
Till: funny how you mention just dealing with openindiana.org pages. 
Oracle's pages all still reference SMC as well. :b Not much help, are 
they? ;-)


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