[OpenIndiana-discuss] remote root login failing .. even after edits to sshd_config

Joshua M. Clulow josh at sysmgr.org
Thu Nov 21 06:19:04 UTC 2024

On Wed, 20 Nov 2024 at 15:33, Harry Putnam <hput3 at fastmail.fm> wrote:
> But even if that was what you meant it appears something more is going on since I cannot remotely login over ssh as my user either..
> Further, if it was related to the setting shown in user_attr above,  My user would not be able to login to root like:
>     ssh root at localhost either.   And user can do that.
> I'm flat  out of ideas to debug this.

I would edit "/etc/syslog.conf" and add a new entry:

    auth.debug                 /var/log/authlog

(NOTE: use tabs, not spaces, to separate the fields)

Then make sure the file exists:

    touch /var/log/authlog

And refresh the syslog service:

    svcadm refresh system-log

You should start to see some entries if you "tail -F /var/log/authlog"
while trying to log in.  If you don't get the information you're
looking for, you can set "LogLevel" to "VERBOSE" or "DEBUG" or even
higher in /etc/ssh/sshd_config -- check the notes in sshd_config(5)
about how that works.

If you're not able to log in, hopefully these log messages will point at why!


Joshua M. Clulow

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