[OpenIndiana-discuss] Cannot install vbox on new hipster install

Alexander Pyhalov alp at rsu.ru
Fri Apr 14 05:06:22 UTC 2017

On 14.04.2017 05:45, Harry Putnam wrote:
> Geoff Nordli <geoffn at gnaa.net> writes:
>> basically the answer is this:
>>         build# pkgtrans VirtualBox-5.1.18-SunOS-amd64-r114002.pkg . 
>> all
>>         Transferring <SUNWvbox> package instance
>>         build# rm SUNWvbox/install/checkinstall
>>         build# sed -i /checkinstall/d SUNWvbox/pkgmap
>>         build# pkgadd -d . SUNWvbox
> I've only used the gui to work with vms so I have a bit of learning to
> do.
> I don't understand what is different about hipster that it just
> absolutely cannot handle the pkgs on offer at Vbox.  I mean the ready
> made binaries.

This is not about OI, it's about VirtualBox. You take binaries, compiled 
for another OS
(some Solaris version, likely post-split) and run them on OI. The fact, 
that they worked till now
is a pure luck. Now they added explicit dependency on old compiler, 
which is evidently
used by Solaris, but has never been used by OI (/dev or /hipster). 
Should we import outdated
and unsupported compiler version just to run one specific application? I 
don't think so.

Luckily it's open source, and we can recompile it. Aurelien has a 
working component,
and he will likely put it for review when he has free time (he can't 
work on OI in 24x7 rhythm).
When he does this, you can help with reviewing and testing.

For now Geoff proposed working workaround.
System Administrator of Southern Federal University Computer Center

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