[OpenIndiana-discuss] NTP not starting in Zones

Alexander Pyhalov alp at sfedu.ru
Thu Sep 13 08:10:42 UTC 2018

What is a point of running ntp in zone?
NTP running in GZ will care about system time.

С уважением,
Александр Пыхалов,
программист отдела телекоммуникационной инфраструктуры
управления информационно-коммуникационной инфраструктуры ЮФУ

От: Till Wegmüller <toasterson at gmail.com>
Отправлено: 12 сентября 2018 г. 23:59:36
Кому: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Тема: [OpenIndiana-discuss] NTP not starting in Zones

Hello fellow Community

Since some time I get the following error inside all my zones from ntp.

[ Sep 11 06:54:40 Enabled. ]
[ Sep 11 06:54:41 Executing start method ("/lib/svc/method/ntp start"). ]
[ Sep 11 06:54:41 svc.startd could not set context for method:  ]
setppriv: Not owner
[ Sep 11 06:54:41 Method "start" exited with status 96. ]
[ Sep 11 07:08:18 Leaving maintenance because disable requested. ]
[ Sep 11 07:08:18 Disabled. ]
[ Sep 11 15:58:33 Enabled. ]
[ Sep 11 15:58:33 Executing start method ("/lib/svc/method/ntp start"). ]
[ Sep 11 15:58:33 svc.startd could not set context for method:  ]
setppriv: Not owner
[ Sep 11 15:58:33 Method "start" exited with status 96. ]

Does anybody know what ntp or rather smf is complaining about?
Is ntp not suposed to be installed inside zones? If so wouldn't it make
sense to configure ntp as variant global?

Would love to hear what you know about this.

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