[OpenIndiana-discuss] Tasks to focus on

Joshua M. Clulow josh at sysmgr.org
Fri Jan 8 02:47:36 UTC 2021

On Thu, 7 Jan 2021 at 13:57, Till Wegmueller <toasterson at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Aurelian
> Nice to have you back!

Yes, indeed!  Sorry to hear you were ill, and glad to hear you are on the mend!

> I will get myself a Physical host with Hetzner with a ton of RAM and CPU
> so we can dedicate some zones and VM's to OpenIndiana building packages.
> Olaf has been working on a revised Jenkins pipeline which fully
> automates PR builds and allows to push them into seperate repos for
> testing with others. So others can just use that repo for testing and
> don't need to build. We will implement that Capability there.

Before you spend any money, or at least in parallel with doing so, I
would encourage you to see if Fosshost will provide some resources for
the project.  They have reached out to illumos in the past, and I
think OpenIndiana meets all of their eligibility criteria (open
source, no commercial backing, etc):


It seems they will provide one or more virtual machines to projects
for hosting of web resources and builds and such.

> We also talked about making a rustup.mk which will use jmclulows rustup
> work to bootstrap a rust compiler to build rust software and rust itself.

If you hit any trouble with Rust, I'd love to hear about it!  We have
a good relationship with the Rust project itself, so we should be able
to get things fixed as they arise, without needing to float additional


Joshua M. Clulow

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